Saturday, December 30, 2006

Feeding the Obsession

So apparently my idea of a vacation is watching gobs of television. In my life in Boston, I miss a lot of television in favor of more altruistic pursuits. I am so excited to catch up in a guilt free environment (okay maybe not exactly guilt free, but the guilt isn't over missing my volunteer activities, any guilt is a result of years of study under my Jewish grandmother's tuetlage).

Anyway, I am watching a Little People Big World Marathon and I am really excited. I haven't seen the episode that I am watching right now! For those of you familiar with my obsession, you know how shocking that is :).

Oh, and in addition to my daily television overload, I am also fulfilling my gluttony quota with a visit to Mumbo Gumbo -- if you're ever in Anchorage (whether it be just for a long layover or a full visit) you MUST visit this place. They have the best biscuits EVER and the woman who owns the restaurant/cooks is really nice (and good).

Anyway, that's today's update.


hartofak said...

From the USA Today 12/22/06
I also was blessed to find more traditional dining pleasures in a host of other places this year, most notably the Italian city of Torino and the surrounding Piedmont region; Washington, D.C.; both Portland, Ore., and Portland, Maine; Anchorage; wine countries of California, Ohio and Virginia; and my home base of New York.

The best of those experiences are offered here in my annual buffet of five top meals and 25 top dishes of the year (listed in no particular order).

7. Fried chicken with homemade potato salad, Mumbo Gumbo, Anchorage.

Unknown said...

I still say you watch too much TLC, you need to watch more tvland