Friday, December 29, 2006


So we went to visit my sister at work. She works down at the "mill" which somehow brings to mind images of the industrial revolution to me when said like that. In reality, she works at a store with pet and livestock supplies, AND fun kitchen/home items like a sushi timer (while tempted, I didn't get it for anyone), crocs (including crocs charms) and hot water bottles to name a few of my favorite items :).

It's been a pretty quiet day other than that and that makes me very happy.

Tonight I am either watching What's Cooking or Only Human and I am very excited because I LOVE them both -- you should watch them too! Gotta go, I am suddenly sharing a chair with two rambunctious dogs.


Anonymous said...

I love hot water bottles! They are so cozy, and yore-ish.

Unknown said...

The ones that take hot water from smart gift solutions are good, but you can also get ones with gel that you heat in the microwave that seem to stay warm for longer.