Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Who eats White Peaches?!

I just ate the juiciest loveliest peach from our farm share box this week. I mean dripping down your chin juicy. I did not want the peach to end. When we go to PA later this week we'll be going to a farmers market in Gratz --I love Gratz, PA, my husband makes fun of me saying that even the people who live there don't love it as much as I do! It was at that farmers market that I finally learned what free stone peaches are (yeah, yeah, it wasn't rocket science to figure out, it means that the pit easily removes from the fruit).

The difference between white peaches and "regular" peaches is that the white peaches tend to be sweeter and have less acidity. The thing is, I've yet to have a white peach that had good flavor. They seem like watered down peaches, sort of simpering half siblings of the "regular" peaches.

Any white peach lovers out there? If so, tell me what all the hype's about!

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