Friday, March 30, 2007

Sick as a Dog

Turns out that there's no real reason for that phrase (or more accurately, there's no readily googled reason for that phrase which was first recorded in 1705).

I however, was sick as something. I started out with flu-like symptoms Thursday night, which I thought I was pretty much over by Saturday night so I went to a party endangering the lives of many nice people (is it bad to keep praying that none of them get sick? Is it like driving drunk and then being worried that you may have hurt someone while in your inebriated state? Is it merely a selfish wish or are you just as concerned for the possible victims as you have convinced yourself that you now are?). Sunday I was back to being full fledged sick, I was feverish and slept all day till 5:00 when the fever broke and I was as good as new until 9:30 when I started feeling clammy and gross again. Monday I stayed home thinking I would just need one more day to rest up. Tuesday I made it in to work long enough to throw up and then came back home dizzy and clammy and disgusting. Wed. I worked on drinking as many fluids as I could thinking that the dizziness might be from dehydration due to fever and sleeping so much I wasn't drinking that much. Thurs. things were starting to look desperate and I thought I might have to go to the walk in clinic (because I switched doctors when we got new insurance and I didn't make a new patient appt. at the time and they refuse to see me till I have that taken care of and they're scheduling them 3 months out -- have I mentioned I hate doctors? Sorry Drew. . . .). Thurs. afternoon my nurse friend said she was coming over with an IV if I didn't perk up. Miraculously (and I don't think it's just because of my fear of needles) I perked up significantly on Thursday afternoon. So much so that today I was able to make it to work YAY!!!

I attribute it to prayer, but the statistics don't support me so I am not sure what to say about that.

I have lots of blogging to catch up on, not sure what I should write about first. . . .


Elastagirl said...

I'm glad you're starting to feel is so miserable to be sick! and for so long too!
I want to see pictures on your blog. Please please please!

hartofak said...

Matthew 4:7
Jesus answered him, "It is also written: 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'[c]"
I was just listening to a Big Ideas lecture about rational choice theory. In passing, the lecturer mentioned this study. He said, one explanation for the results might be that God won't be part of a science fair project.