Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Dairy Queen

I forgot to mention that on Thursday night we went to Friendly's and split a sundae. We got the Jim Dandy with several substitutions that made it utterly lovely. We substitute peanut butter topping for strawberry and ended up with hot fudge, peanut butter and marshmallow topping with bananas, and five different flavors of ice cream that included, hunka chunka peanut butter, nuts over caramel, Vienna mocha chocolate, chocolate chip cookie dough and one other that I can't remember. The waitress complained that we chose the longest ice cream names on the menu (which I thought was really funny, especially since she refused to abbreviate them).

Friday in one of the lulls between mad rushes we also got a frozen yogurt to share. I loved that it actually had the tang of yogurt unlike most frozen yogurt treats. It is apparently also quite controversial. We opted for plain, with raspberries, mochi bits and almonds.

Saturday Suzib mentioned every time we passed a McDonald's that it was shamrock shake season. We finally stopped near one and she went to get a shake. Turns out they're as rare as leprechaun's gold in NYC. On the ride home on Sunday she mentioned it again and because we're big on strange pilgrimages, Christina did some research. Her research turned up the following incredibly great website: and lots more weboards of people discussing which McDonald's actually has the shake. Robert insisted on trying the next McDonald's we found off the highway. For all you shamrock shake fans, it turns out that they have them at the McDonald's in Vernon, CT. Robert and Suzib both got mediums. I had a sip and thought it was almost as foul as Moxie (the foulest consumable this side of radioactive material).

When I was out with my boy on Sunday night he said to me "I wonder if they still have shamrock shakes at McDonald's"I said "are you serious?!" and he said "yeah." I said (in a rather accusatory tone), "why are you asking that?" He looked at me kind of funny look (as one might when your girlfriend is grilling them about a passing comment that you're terribly sorry you even mentioned) and said "because it's march and I was just thinking about them." I said "I can tell you there are definitely McDonald's serving them. We got one earlier today!!" Then I went on to tell him the whole saga I have told all of you.

On Monday when we (suzib, my boy and I) were getting on the train at south station, we passed the small McDonald's there. It turns out they also happen to sell shamrock shakes. So the two of them got them (smalls this time) and drank them on the train, their faces cast in a green pallor from the reflection of the neon green goop. I told them I wasn't kissing either of them that night :).

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