Friday, November 2, 2007

This and that (again)

There's been some talk (you know, among perhaps two readers) that I haven't posted much lately. I pointed out that several of the blogs I know and love hadn't posted lately either. That, apparently didn't make it any better :).

I don't really have much to post about, I mean refer back to my multi-vitamin post. Last night in my small group we did draw/write what was on each of our individual plates (we even did it on fine chinet). I am not an artist (apparently everyone else in my group is, it was kind of amazing), so I simply wrote my plate. I wrote around the edges what I do each day of the week and then in a spiral all those little things that have to fit in somewhere. I was slightly dizzy looking at the plate, and I often feel that way looking at my life. When I was listening to some people talk about what's on their plate, I found myself getting jealous that they actually have a night set aside for laundry and grocery shopping. I also was relieved I didn't have some of their stuff on my plate. I mean a new baby, a pending baby, an entire church seeking answers from you. . . . It did make me think though.

Last night was also the night we celebrated God's bounty in a sort of harvest fest. We had cookies, pumpkin muffins (as requested) and full size candy bars. IT was a good night. The sermonette that was given was really powerful too. It wasn't so much a sermon as a group apology.

Two weeks ago someone who had met us on the common tried to come to church. He had felt accosted at the entrance when he was asked the name of the church and then his bag was searched. As a group, we felt frustrated at how little our church culture appears to have changed in nearly two years.

The guy speaking last night though, offered an apology. He apologized for the church that this would happen. On a separate note, he apologized for the planned picketing of our church this Sunday (as in he's sorry that it's come to picketing and so called Christians are so obviously missing the point of Christ's coming and that we can't get along). He apologized personally for people's names he got wrong week after week and for friendships that had become disconnected.

He apologized profusely and said he's only human and he's trying his best, but he knows he screws up and he hopes that everyone can accept his apology because he, and his church are trying the best that they can to live what they believe. I have really struggled with how little our church has changed and listening to his apology made me soften a little. It made me realize, we can't change what has already happened, we can only say we're trying our best and we definitely need the grace of God to come anywhere near perfection. . . .

In a perfect world, the church would welcome everyone with open arms --and we should and we're working on it, but we're also working through hurt, past problems, with computers that were flung, items that were stolen, trust that was broken. Just like in romantic relationships, sometimes that baggage adds up. The outreach team is probably a first step, hopefully, soon, we'll be ready for that blind date ;) -- you know, if in my stream of consciousness I haven't mixed too many metaphors.

Um, so yeah. that's about all that's going on in my life really.
Perhaps I'll post a Christmas list next, I mean if you're going to whine that I don't post, perhaps I should get something good out of it.


hartofak said...

That's good you're taking a multi-vitamin, but are you sure you're getting enough Vitamin D?

Anonymous said...

I really go for the "open and shameless flirtation" stage of church relations.

SRH said...

well it says 100% of my vitamin d on the bottle.

Most people hate the open and shameless flirtation stage, it involves a lot of outreach and overly cheery people approaching you.