Monday, November 5, 2007

Not with a bang, but a whimper

T.S. Eliot could have written the picketing that went on at the church. Terrible people that we are, my boy, my roommate and I all got up early on Sunday and trooped to church in plenty of time to see the picketers. Suzib and my boy both brought cameras. When we came up out of the train station, my roommate said "I SEE. . . .Paul?"

That's who was waiting there as we exited. Paul, a homeless guy who's affable and always at church on Sunday. There were also two policemen, two girls with a video camera and as we came out the head pastor came out of church and talked to aforementioned Paul. We joined Paul outside the church and various other pastors came out from time to time to see how the picketing was progressing -- one even had a camera. Eventually we all just went into the church.

What I find most interesting is that not only did the people who think we're too soft on gays not show up, but the groups that think we're too hard on gays who planned on counter picketing didn't show up and neither did the guardian angels who had said they'd come try and keep the peace. It's like they all got the memo and somehow we missed it.

To make the day more anti-climatic, we decided to go out for a nice brunch and ended up walking in a rather large circle and ending up at Kinsale, which was a disappointment to me. Then we took the train home and exhausted I collapsed into bed and slept for the rest of the afternoon. My boy made a nice chicken recipe from the NY Times which was perfectly comforting and for dessert I made some hot chocolate with warm milk. A nice calming end to the weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why can't people just keep their commitments? Don't they realize it's disrespectful to stand someone up? Especially with all the hype? I even had to refund the tickets I sold for the event.