Tuesday, June 19, 2007

So Much Going on, So Little Inspiration

This weekend was a whirlwind. Friday night was spent making cookies and prepping stuff for sandwiches for the wedding we were going to. Sat am, early Suzib started assembling 50 cucumber sandwiches while I hovered around trying to help. We left the house loaded with cookies and sandwiches by 8:45 and were on our way to the wedding (I hate busing btw).

The wedding was great, informal and charismatic, but no snake charming or any other extremes that one fears after spending a bridal shower listening to spiritual healing talk that involves both voodoo heads swirling around on their own and people being healed while going through "evil" yoga moves. There was an incredible rendition of Amazing Grace, it was definitely the woman's own version, and she sang unaccompanied and very well (as far as I could tell).

The pastor had never officiated at a wedding before and so he was noticeably nervous (slightly amusing since he is a street minister who takes on far scarier things on any given night of out reach and who also happens to be six foot something and burly -- but oh so sweet). Anyway, he said the bride had asked for him to hurry the wedding along she wanted a short wedding etc. He said sorry, you're always getting me, this time it's my turn to get you back. I am not hurrying through this opportunity. They went through the ceremony and then when it got to the part about objections he paused and said, the bride specifically told me to leave this part out. She said just skip over it. I said I couldn't do that. I've never done a wedding before and it says in the instructions we have to do it. She insisted we skip. . . . No one wants to say anything right? At this point the bride turned around and looked at the audience. We laughed and no one spoke. The recessional was the entire church singing a lively song that's popular with their street ministry and it was so happy and fun.

The reception was great. The food was incredible (we even got the number of the woman who makes empanadas so we can set up a date and learn from her). Everyone was so obviously happy for the bride and groom. We left after a rendition of an interactive song: I strut, I strut, I strut I strut on Jesus side, I dance, I dance, I dance I dance on Jesus side (it goes on, come up with whatever verb you want :)).

My boy, who went to his usual soup kitchen instead of the wedding, came over when he was finished and we hung out till it was time to go meet his friends for dinner and a movie. We had a lovely walk (instead of taking the buses again) and ended up at the restaurant slightly early. After much confusion everyone ended up at the restaurant and we rushed through dinner and went to the movie. We saw Ocean's 13, I fell asleep through the first part and was so wiggly at another point that the woman sitting next to me got up. So it could have been a better evening for me. I went home tired and slightly cranky (but, as my father points out, what's new?).

Sunday I made pancakes from Bisquick while my boy gave me pointers (he's the pancake expert, I hate making them). Then he and I grabbed fruit at the store and I made creme anglaise that turned out a little lumpy and he made fruit kebabs (that looked beautiful) for me to take to the bridal shower I was going to that afternoon. We listened to the sermon from our church on full blast while participating in our activity.

The shower was nice. There weren't any horrible games and I actually won a prize on the fairly laid back game they did have. One of the women and I made a fairly terrible page for a scrapbook (before I found out that it was optional) and some of the women made truffles which was a fun activity. I skipped because I don't need any excuses to eat poorly and chocolate was not high on my list since it was so warm out. The food supplied was great (I know my faithful readers care about that). There was an excellent cheese plate, risotto balls, an avocado, corn, black bean salsa, and guacamole, a tortellini salad that got rave reviews and much more. Also, a lovely white sangria. The presents were fun ranging from slightly dowdy bathrobes and kitchen/housewares to a kit from the local sex shop and some how to books.

My boy met me back at my house after the shower but I had two hours to myself before he got there. It was wonderful. No one was home. There was just silence. I put a couple dishes in the dishwasher (big time for me, I hate dealing with dishes) and then I sat down thinking I would just sit in silence, maybe knit, maybe write a letter to one of our homeless friends in jail. . .. Then I remembered it was father's day. So I called my dad and he made me laugh as he described his latest home improvement project.

We had breakfast for dinner (eggs and toast and potatoes) and I fell asleep watching MASH the movie.

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