Thursday, February 21, 2008

To continue my focus on the wrong thing

Today I was on the phone with a water proofing company. They answered the phone It's a beautiful day at pioneer (which I thought was slightly amusing). I was so wrong though, the amusing part of the conversation came when I was put on hold, the hold music was singing in the rain! I am not sure if it's them who sings because of all the work the rain drums up, or if it's us, the customers singing because we're so confident that our waterproofing will work, but either way I thought it was an amusing choice. I was hoping I'd be on the phone long enough to hear if the next selection was rain drops keep falling on my head.

In less amusing news (also slightly related to rain), our family cat died this week. Ok, so in our family's dark humor sort of way, it is sort of amusing, but also sad.


Elastagirl said...

Your post--at least the first part--had me laughing out loud.
I'm sorry, though, about your cat :(

zenith said...

I was really sorry to hear about Al. I'm glad he had a good run of it, though.

I find it incredibly moving to hear of the labors of putting him to rest, though. Someone should have to break a sweat for our dead, I think. Sure, someone preferably not me. I'll just pour a fo'die for our fallen homie, myself.