Monday, October 1, 2012

31 Days

A number of the bloggers I read are committing to writing every day in October on a specific topic. There are a lot of people joining this pledge. Most of the ones I read are writing on some aspect of home design but some of the bloggers (who aren't on my google feed) are writing about activities to do with children, books, excuses to get out of cleaning, jokes and more.

Since I've clearly been a terrible blogger lately (frankly, I don't know if any of you actually even read me anymore), I decided I'd just try to write for 31 days. Anything. Perhaps just one line. Just write.

As you may or may not know, this year has been a struggle for me, mostly the last three months, but overall, not a great year. Still, the year has managed to fly by. I can't believe it's October already!

My boy and I made the decision in January to talk about our life plans in December. As in are we staying here where we are, are we moving across the country to start some crazy new life, are we meeting somewhere in the middle between those two plans? So with that date fast approaching I'm getting nervous/excited. Perhaps I'll write more about that this month.

Or, perhaps I'll write more on elements of design. We bought a new rug for our bedroom, I'm angling for some new shelving and I've just joined pinterest. Not to mention, I've been obsessed with chesterfield sofas lately (not in the bedroom).

I'm also semi-obsessed with Cornwall ever since watching Doc Martin (who used to have a chesterfield sofa himself until the most recent season). My boy and I are tentatively planning a trip there in the spring to coincide with his 40th  birthday (CAN YOU BELIEVE I'M MARRIED TO A 40 YEAR OLD?!?!??!). Since he and my sister are a decade apart we might switch the destination to one she enjoys as well, we'll see.

Speaking of British obsessions, have you watched the new British show Sherlock?! So good. Also, all six episodes are currently on netflix watch it now. To continue my British/design stream of consciousness  you can go here to look at apartment therapy's take on the style of Sherlock:

Okay, I think that's a good intro to the quality (or lack thereof) of posts you can expect from me for the next 30 or so days. Now don't you wish I'd taken my friend's suggestion and just started journaling at 750 words?

Talk to you tomorrow!


KristyWes said...

I'm still reading!! (and "Doc Martin" is in my Netflix queue. Maybe I will bump it up a few notches now - I had no idea a chesterfield sofa was involved! :)

Yay for writing whatever. And yay for October.

hartofak said...

Welcome back.
I joined pinterest over the weekend. I still don't quite get the point, although I did see a cute picture of a dog.