Thursday, August 25, 2011

Won't You be My Neighbor?

So a long time ago on this blog (it would have to be wouldn't it, since I let months and years pass between blog posts), I mentioned someone who often rode the bus I was on. It was not very complimentary. . . I've now found another person who frequently rides our bus (or rather, she found us).

She's from Pittsburgh and had noticed my boy's PA paraphernalia. Both Penn State and Hershey Bears Hats. On Monday she started a conversation with us. A conversation that lasted all the way from when we got on the bus to when she got off at Back Bay station. Turns out, she lives so close she can see our Apt from her back porch (we could see her apt too if our house weren't so strangely cut up).

So far we've seen her every day this week, and while our conversations aren't earth shatteringly deep, I really like her. I'm hoping that we become even more friendly with this newly discovered neighbor.

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