Monday, August 29, 2011

What Would We Do Baby, Without Netflix Watch Instantly?

So I know there's been a LOT of uproar over the increase in rates netflix is instituting in September. In fact, at that brunch I mentioned a couple posts ago, someone said, "yeah but netflix is so expensive now." It's not really. I agree, a 20% increase is a pretty huge jump, especially in a recession. But it's still only about $4 or $5 more a month, so really the cost of a fancy coffee a month more. It's not like the annual 20-40% hike we see in health insurance pretty much every renewal!

I am not trying to spur a debate over netflix pricing, I just thought I'd mention a few things my boy and I are enjoying watching instantly (we LOVE watch instantly, though I'd love it more if they'd add The Golden Girls, Murder She Wrote, Modern Family and NCIS, to name a few).

We finished, the short lived Out of Practice, it has Phil from Modern Family in it and you can see glimmers of that character in his portrayal of Oliver. I thought it was a super cute show, though nowhere near as brilliant as Modern Family.

My boy and I are currently rationing out Sports Night, again, a cute show, though I'm glad Peter Krause was free to make 6 Feet Under when the time came.

I love how many old television shows are on watch Instantly. My boy and I watched all of Simon and Simon (LOVE) on there and currently I am catching up on Family Ties. I was only 3 when it started so I missed the episodes with Tom Hanks and Geena Davis (and even if I'd seen them, I'm not sure I would have gotten all the nuances).

They have all of the Dick Van Dyke Show, and if you're not going to watch every episode (and I totally think you should), you should at least watch "Pink Pills and Purple Parents". In this episode, Mary Tyler Moore who usually plays the straight man, takes on the physical comedy role and she's GREAT! I also totally recommend The Cosby Show, though my current favorite episode (if I can only convince you to watch one) is Father's Day.

Not on watch instantly, but another show I got from Netflix and loved was Bride and Prejudice. It's a super cute rendition of Pride and Prejudice Bollywood style. Perhaps my favorite scene was the dance of the cobra.

Any suggestions on Watch Instantly Items you love on Netflix?


Chris said...

I believe Murder She Wrote is in instant's in my queue! A couple of my favorites right now: Sherlock (only first season and it's a short one), Dr. Who (the new version), Cheers, The IT crowd (completely hilarious).

SRH said...

Oh, we did watch the IT crowd! I didn't love it at first, but by the end I was smitten. The actress from the IT crowd is the secretary in Doc Martin (another watch instantly that I really liked) and one of the guys is a guest star. As for Murder She Wrote (last I checked) only had some of the episodes. I like to know that I've done a thorough job of watching every one once I've worked through a series :). We'll definitely check out the other two recommendations.