Friday, July 24, 2009

The Sky is Falling!

When I came home tonight there was a significant crack in my ceiling. I wrote the landlords an email saying I didn't think it was critical because I saw no water on the floor and the ceiling wasn't stained, but there was a big crack that wasn't there this morning.

Fast forward 6 hours later and there's still no water dripping but my crack became a large swath of ceiling (plaster? some other covering for the ceiling, I really don't know) hanging down. Still no water really and the ceiling under the plaster still doesn't look wet. . .

This means that we'll have to bite the bullet and TALK to our landlords. I get weirdly shy around them and don't want to do it at all. Worse, they'll have to come into my apartment. While it is not the utter disaster that it usually is, our apartment is still not terribly neat (we haven't unpacked from our trip and there's just general clutter piled around). While this may all be fine with normal landlords, our landlords are not normal. They are insanely neat. I have never been in a basement that's cleaner than their basement. The floor has absolutely no grit, grime or other usual items found in a completely unfinished basement. I dread having our landlords come in here and judge our home (and by dread, I mean that I fear that they'll take one look around and evict us based on the level of messiness-- this may not be all bad, I hear my former apartment may have two rooms opening up :)).

So yeah, that's what I have to look forward to tomorrow (cause I am certainly not waking them up at midnight with this information). Also, we have to cook tomorrow at Chelsea, this means that we either have to tell the landlords at 7am on a Saturday morning or we have to wait till 2 or 3 tomorrow. Either way it's a Saturday, what can they do really? For some reason, neither options sounds great -- perhaps because it's midnight and I am working myself up into a tizzy?

1 comment:

hartofak said...

Follow up please.
BTW, Kristin and Henry were just here. We had to clean for an hour to get to where we could act like we hadn't done anything special.