Sunday, September 13, 2009

7 Years Bad Luck

If you couldn't tell by my title, my plan didn't work. We have spent the weekend cleaning for my boy's family's visit. Mostly this has consisted of shredding and throwing out massive amounts of paper, doing copious amounts of laundry and using the broom far more than any witch could imagine. Our house is currently still a disaster area.

My boy just came in saw that I was on the computer and mentioned that I would need to clean my room. Um, thanks, I didn't think we were going to draw a map so our guests would know how to avoid the piles. . .

In the process of moving the coffee table so we could sweep under the couch, we managed to break a mirror and when we reached for it, we knocked over a bottle of water. That's basically an accurate snapshot of how this weekend is going. I am considering going back to bed. That will entail shoving over the three loads of laundry on the bed, but I am willing to make that sacrifice. Think my boy will accept that?

1 comment:

hartofak said...

Didn't you learn anything growing up? Pick a room, fill it, close the door. Problem solved.