Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Like a trapeze act, timed to the second and high flying fun

Okay, so I am still working on the maine post and a post on this weekend (which includes such highlights as me being terribly confused when we visited Sandwich, MA and I would see things like the Sandwich Ship Shop and think what does that mean?! Do they specialize in subs?). But in the mean time, I have realized that my weekend is planned down to the minute. I am a planner, so this doesn't bother me too much, I am concerned that if one thing goes wrong though, it will set into place an irreversible domino effect (I am also planning on being exhausted when this weekend is over).

Friday, I am going to be participating in a wedding rehearsal at 3:00pm in Newport, RI. This means I have to actually take the whole day off work because I can't find transportation leaving at a time early enough to get me there, but not so early that I am only missing half a day (unless plans have changed again).

Saturday I am trying to convince my boy (who is being decidedly practical at this point) that we can take the car we rented for Friday and visit both Restaurant Depot and Costco so early we can drop the stuff at the church (which will hopefully be open at noon) and then drop the rented car back in its appointed spot. We will then take the train back to my house, quickly get dressed and then pick up the next car we reserved and possibly my roommate from class. We will get to the wedding (also in Newport which is an hour and a half away on a good day) by 5:00 and party like it's 1999 (or something like that) and then drive back home completely exhausted.

Sunday we'll sleep in till 9:00 and then start roasting a pig for my contribution for the welcome dinner my small group is hosting next Fri and hopefully get to nap on the couch for the next 5 hours as it roasts. Then we'll go to the 4:00 service at church and out to dinner for my boy's friend.

We'll see if it all works out. . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whew...sounds like a real whirlwind of a weekend!

How old is your son? I hope he's old enough to have been of help! As long as he's potty-trained, I'm betting you both managed fine.

Hope it was fun, in any case!