Monday, September 17, 2007

Final Wedding (at least for awhile)

My boy and I went to our last wedding of the season. It's been a long wedding season for us, while I have a friend who goes to at least eight a year, I have a much more moderate number, usually. We had two in a row this month and I am looking forward to a weekend without a wedding and to a long time before the next one starts (so far the next one I know about that I think I'll be invited to is way off in August 08). I have liked all of the weddings I have attended this summer though, and I have learned a lot about keeping guests well fed and hydrated and how often that equates to happiness.

At the office we're deep in the throes of planning our yearly event and it took my boss and I about an hour (and a couple of seating charts) to get a tentative seating chart put together. It's very much like a wedding; certain groups are too competitive to sit next to each other, and this group should be seated near the front or they'll be hurt and this group is more than happy to sit in the back if you place them near the bar etc.

When we finished this job I told my boss I am not getting married. I said, earlier, I'd thought about how I was certainly not making my own wedding invitations if I ever got married-- I almost posted about the tediousness of the 100 invitations I folded (I gave up after that many and left the rest of the folding for someone else) for our event and the 500 post-its I had carefully printed (they require precise placement on the paper you're feeding into the printer) but, at the time, even the post was tedious. The difficulty with the seating arrangements have nearly clinched it. If my landlord lets us get a cat, I may jump the rack from the librarian action figure, over to the crazy cat lady skipping soccer mom altogether (she doesn't have a good action figure anyway).

This weekend will be a good break from both activities. My well traveled friend is visiting again. Tonight we're getting sushi and tomorrow, after our soup kitchen, we're planning a trip to Portsmouth and Kittery. Who knows what Sunday will bring. . .


Anonymous said...

Elope. You only need to invite your small group if you have a pool. I want to see a ring on that finger by next week.

zenith said...

Yeah, I'm planning on heading to the justice of the peace or maybe doing a three-man ceremony on the beach of Hawaii if M. and I ever decide to get hitched. We've been together six years so it's starting to feel like a moot point. Weddings are stressful.