Sunday, September 27, 2009

Yesterday was Plain Awful/But that's/ Not Now/That's Then

To continue my Annie theme songs, yesterday was kind of rotten. Perhaps that's why today seems soo lovely. My boy didn't wake me up for church and we can't take the walk in the arb that we'd planned since it's raining, but it's been a quiet pleasant kind of day.

I woke up at nine, we went to pick up our csa, which was kale free (they ran out before we got there and gave us extra pears to make up for it -- talk about serendipitous), we stopped by Allendale farms and picked up some fun veggies to supplement this week's haul and then we came home where I started a veggie soup from the numerous vegetables we had left over from last week. We're settled in now watching the National Parks documentary. It's really great so far, though I read a sort of mixed review.

The smell of the soup is filling the house and it's a sleepy comfortable day with the promise of hunks of walnut wheat bread dipped in a warm broth as a final treat.

1 comment:

Elastagirl said...

mmmm I love days like that!