Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I <3 Presents!!!

So call me selfish, immature and anything else you want, but I. LOVE. PRESENTS. LOVE them. I got some absolute gems yesterday, two gorgeous red knives from my boy.

A star of david bundt pan with a great book called Bundt Cake Bliss (which includes a recipe for a coming out cake which I think is hysterical, if I ever came out, I would totally want a bundt cake with the gay pride flag visible if you gazed down the center). I am very excited.

Oh yes, and I also got another le creuset whisk. I love them. They are something I think no kitchen should be without and with a little bit of hoarding and luck, I should never have to be.

1 comment:

KristyWes said...

Dude, I *covet* your Star of David cake pan. Happy (belated) birthday!