Thursday, January 14, 2010

Harrowing Dreams Continue

Last night I woke up in the middle of the night from a horrible dream. I was minding my own business in the dream when suddenly we were driving in a really scary section of town (and when I say town think film noir city). Not only was it clearly the projects, but we were in my car where the locks don't work very well anymore and there weren't any streetlights on and no lights in any of the apartment buildings looming large all around us. We were really nervous and could feel, but couldn't necessarily see and I don't remember hearing anything actually just an erie silence as if the entire city were about to pounce, crimes occurring all around us.

We made it through the city and out onto the other side and it turned out I was narrating what was going on, I heard myself say: "So then we were in Florida but it turned out it was execution season, so we ended up being at a mass hanging. . ." Next thing I know we're walking into an old building, it looks like it may have been a factory, with big open empty rooms with very thick wooden beams and stone walls. We're taken up to a room upstairs where there are about 12 people who are about to be hanged. They're currently just sitting up in the room with a psychiatrist chatting fairly easily, and pleasantly, not looking like violent criminals at all. There are a couple of women that get in a little spat, but then make up quickly because they decide that since they're going to be hanged soon, it's not worth it to fight. One of the women had a clear pencil bag with a lot of paper clips and some rubber bands and a couple of dollars and I thought about her parents who would get that when she was hanged. That that was what they would have to remember their daughter by.

I don't know what finished the conversations, but it was clear that the hanging was supposed to start soon and I freaked out --none of them did, just me. My boy escorted me out of the room and then I blacked out and the next thing that happened in the dream was that I was awakened with sliced onions under my nose. The psychiatrist was baffled by my reaction and suggested that I be excused from watching all of those people be hanged.

You guys, I haven't read that website I told you about that has the last words of people who are about to receive capital punishment since I told you about it back at the beginning of November! Even when I read that website, I suffered no ill effects on my sleep. Seriously, I think this series of dreams is simply stemming from my insane unhappiness at work. Clearly, the whole blog series on random alternatives to this life are not helping enough. I am hoping a long weekend will.

1 comment:

Elastagirl said...

just reading that dream gave me goosebumps on the back of my neck....I can't imagine dreaming it! I had extraordinarily vivid dreams when I was pregnant, but now I'm too sleep deprived to dream, I think.

but yes, I fully believe in the power of our subconscious mind (which comes out in dreams to reflect the inner workings we are experiencing), so it makes perfect sense that if you are feeling trapped and unhappy that you would have dreams where you were feeling trapped in the worst way possible.

Lets move to Indiana.
